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Module Ppx_lwt

module Ppx_lwt : sig..end

Ppx syntax extension for Lwt

Ppx extensions

This Ppx extension adds various syntactic shortcut for lwt programming. It needs OCaml >= 4.02 and ppx_tools.

To use it, simply use the ocamlfind package lwt.ppx.

This extension adds the following syntax:

  • lwt-binding:

let%lwt ch = get_char stdin in

is the same as bind (get_char stdin) (fun ch -> code).

Moreover, it supports parallel binding:

let%lwt x = do_something1 ()
and y = do_something2 in

will run do_something1 () and do_something2 (), then bind their results to x and y. It is the same as:

let t1 = do_something1
and t2 = do_something2 in
bind t1 (fun x -> bind t2 (fun y -> code))
  • exception catching:


For example:

  f x
  | Failure msg ->
      prerr_endline msg;
      return ()

is expanded to:

catch (fun () -> f x)
    | Failure msg ->
        prerr_endline msg;
        return ()
    | exn ->
        Lwt.fail exn)

Note that the exn -> Lwt.fail exn branch is automatically added when needed.

  • finalizer:

(<expr>) [%finally <expr>]

You can use [%lwt.finally ...] instead of [%finally ...].

  • assertion:

assert%lwt <expr>
  • for loop:

for%lwt i = <expr> to <expr> do


for%lwt i = <expr> downto <expr> do
  • while loop:

while%lwt <expr> do
  • pattern matching:

match%lwt <expr> with
  | <patt_1> -> <expr_1>
  | <patt_n> -> <expr_n>

Exception cases are also supported:

match%lwt <expr> with
  | exception <exn> -> <expr_1>
  | <patt_2> -> <expr_2>
  | <patt_n> -> <expr_n>
  • conditional:

if%lwt <expr> then


if%lwt <expr> then <expr_1>
  • exception raising:

For all other expression, the construct

[%lwt <expr>]

is expanded to:

Lwt.catch (fun () -> <expr>) Lwt.fail

It allows to encode the old raise_lwt <e> as [%lwt raise <e>], and offers a convenient way to interact with non-Lwt code.


By default, the debug mode is enabled. This means that the backtrace versions of the bind, finalize and catch functions are used, enabling proper backtraces for the Lwt exceptions.

The debug mode can be disabled with the option -no-debug:

$ ocamlfind ocamlc -package lwt.ppx \
    -ppxopt lwt.ppx,-no-debug -linkpkg -o foo foo.ml


With OCaml 4.04.0 and on a convenient syntax is available for sequencing Lwt operations using ;%lwt. This allows free mixing of standard ; sequencing and ;%lwt sequencing without extra parentheses:

let i = ref 0 in
     write stdout "Hello, ";%lwt
     incr i;
     write stdout "world!"

It is also possible to sequence Lwt operations with the >> operator:

write stdout "Hello, " >> write stdout "world!"

By default, each operation must return unit Lwt.t. This constraint can be lifted with the option -no-strict-sequence. The operator can be disabled with the option -no-sequence.

If you are mixing `>>` and `;`, you need to use parentheses or `begin`/`end` to get the result you expect:

write stdout "Hello, " >> (ignore (); write stdout "world!")

Note that unlike >>=, >> is not an OCaml value. it is a piece of syntax added by the ppx rewriter - i.e., you cannot refer to (>>).


The logging syntax extension is enabled with -log. It will replace expressions of the form:

Lwt_log.info_f ~section "x = %d" x


if Lwt_log.Section.level section <= Lwt_log.Info then
  Lwt_log.info_f ~section "x = %d" x
  return ()


  • The application must be complete. For example: Log.info "%d" will make compilation fail.
  • Debug messages are removed if the option -no-debug is passed.
val mapper : Migrate_parsetree.OCaml_404.Ast.Ast_mapper.mapper