Functor Html_f.Make
module Make (Xml : Xml_sigs.T with type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b)
(Svg : Svg_sigs.T with module Xml := Xml) :
with type +'a elt = Xml.elt
and type +'a attrib = Xml.attrib
Create a new implementation of HTML, using the given underlying Xml and Svg implementation. Will output a module of type Html_sigs.T with the various type equalities.
If your Xml implementation uses a special function wrapping, use Html_f.Make_with_wrapped_functions.
Parameters :
Xml | : | Xml_sigs.T with type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b |
Svg | : | Svg_sigs.T with module Xml := Xml |