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Module Eliom_content.Svg.Manip.Named

module Named : sig..end

Dom manipulation by element identifier.

The module Named defines the same functions as Eliom_dom. They take as parameter an element identifier instead of an element with Dom semantics. Those functions only works if the element is available in the application (sent in the page or along the page). If the element is not available, those functions raise with Not_found.

val appendChild : 
  ?before:'a Eliom_content.Svg.elt ->
  'b Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id -> 'c Eliom_content.Svg.elt -> unit

see appendChild

val appendChildren : 
  ?before:'a Eliom_content.Svg.elt ->
  'b Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id -> 'c Eliom_content.Svg.elt list -> unit

see appendChildren

val removeChild : 
  'a Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id -> 'b Eliom_content.Svg.elt -> unit

see removeChild

val replaceChild : 
  'a Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id ->
  'b Eliom_content.Svg.elt -> 'c Eliom_content.Svg.elt -> unit

see replaceChild

val removeChildren : 'a Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id -> unit

see removeChildren

val replaceChildren : 
  'a Eliom_content.Svg.Id.id -> 'b Eliom_content.Svg.elt list -> unit

see replaceChildren