Module Lwt_term.Draw
module Draw : sig..end
Drawing helpers
Note: except for Lwt_term.Draw.get, all function ignore points that are outside the zone
val get : zone:Lwt_term.Zone.t -> x:int -> y:int -> Lwt_term.point
get ~zone ~x ~y returns the point at relative position x
and y.
Raises Invalid_argument if the coordinates are outside the
val set :
zone:Lwt_term.Zone.t -> x:int -> y:int -> point:Lwt_term.point -> unit
set ~zone ~x ~y ~popint sets point at relative position x and y.
val map :
zone:Lwt_term.Zone.t ->
x:int -> y:int -> (Lwt_term.point -> Lwt_term.point) -> unit
map ~zone ~x ~y f replace the point at coordinates (x, y) by the result of f applied on it.
val text : zone:Lwt_term.Zone.t -> x:int -> y:int -> text:Text.t -> unit
Draw the given text at the given positon
val textf :
Lwt_term.Zone.t ->
int -> int -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
Same as Lwt_term.Draw.text but uses a format string
val textc :
zone:Lwt_term.Zone.t ->
x:int -> y:int -> text:Lwt_term.styled_text -> unit
Same as Lwt_term.Draw.text but takes a text with styles