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Module Ocsimore_common

module Ocsimore_common : sig..end

Author(s): Vincent Balat

exception Ok
exception Permission_denied

Exception raised by modules when a function tries to read or write data in the database without permission.

val get_action_failure : unit -> exn option Lwt.t
val set_action_failure : exn -> unit Lwt.t
val catch_action_failure : 
  ?f_exc:(exn -> exn) -> (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
exception Incorrect_argument

Exception raised when a service is called with incorrect or incoherent arguments

type 'a eliom_usertype = 
  ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] Eliom_parameter.param_name)
val eliom_opaque_int32 : string -> 'a Opaque.int32_t eliom_usertype
val eliom_opaque_int32_opt : 
  string -> 'a Opaque.int32_t option eliom_usertype
val input_opaque_int32 : 
  ?value:'a Opaque.int32_t ->
  ?hidden:bool ->
  [< 'a Opaque.int32_t Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ]
  Eliom_parameter.param_name ->
  [> Html5_types.input ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt
val input_opaque_int32_opt : 
  ?value:'a Opaque.int32_t option ->
  ?hidden:bool ->
  [< 'a Opaque.int32_t option Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ]
  Eliom_parameter.param_name ->
  [> Html5_types.input ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt