Module Wiki_syntax
module Wiki_syntax : sig..end
Pretty print wiki to HTML5 using Eliom's TyXML
Author(s): Vincent Balat
type 'res wikicreole_parser
The abstract type of the objects able to parse wiki creole syntax, possibly with extensions. Those objects are passed as arguments to all displaying functions
type ('res, 'res_without_interactive, 'content_link) ext_wikicreole_parser
The abstract type for extensible parser. See register_simple_extension and register_wiki_extension.
val cast_wp :
('a, 'b, 'c) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
'a wikicreole_parser
Cast an extensible parser to a raw parser to be used with xml_of_wiki.
val cast_niwp :
('a, 'b, 'c) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
'b wikicreole_parser
Cast an extensible parser to the associated non_interactive parser to be used with xml_of_wiki.
('a, 'b, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ]
, [< Eliom_service.attached ], [< Eliom_service.service_kind ]
, [< Eliom_service.suff ], [< Eliom_service.registrable ]
, [< Eliom_registration.non_ocaml_service ]) wiki_service =
('a, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ] as 'c,
[< Eliom_service.attached ] as 'd,
[< Eliom_service.service_kind ] as 'e, [< Eliom_service.suff ] as 'f,
'b, unit, [< Eliom_service.registrable ] as 'g,
[< Eliom_registration.non_ocaml_service ] as 'service)
type service_href = Wiki_syntax_types.service_href
type href = Wiki_syntax_types.href = | String_href of string | Service_href of service_href
val service_href :
?fragment:string ->
?https:bool ->
('a, 'b, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ],
[< Eliom_service.attached ], [< Eliom_service.service_kind ],
[< Eliom_service.suff ], [< Eliom_service.registrable ],
[< Eliom_registration.non_ocaml_service ])
wiki_service -> 'a -> service_href
val a_link_of_href :
service_href ->
?a:Html5_types.a_attrib Eliom_content.Html5.F.attrib list ->
'a Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list ->
[> 'a Html5_types.a ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt
val uri_of_href : href -> Eliom_content.Html5.F.uri
Add a syntax extension to an existing parser.
type ('flow, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) plugin_content =
[ `Flow5 of 'flow Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
| `Flow5_link of
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'flow_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
| `Phrasing_link of
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
| `Phrasing_without_interactive of
'phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t ]
type ('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) ni_plugin_content =
[ `Flow5 of
'flow_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
| `Phrasing_without_interactive of
'phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t ]
type ('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) link_plugin_content =
[ `Flow5_link of
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'flow_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
| `Phrasing_link of
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t ]
type ('flow, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) interactive_simple_plugin =
('flow, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
The type of extension that can be registred into both the interactive and non_interactive variant and of a parser.
type ('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) non_interactive_simple_plugin =
('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
The type of extension that can be registred into the interactive variant of a parser.
type preparser =
Wiki_types.wikibox ->
Wikicreole.attribs -> string option -> string option Lwt.t
val register_simple_extension :
wp:('res, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
ext_wikicreole_parser ->
name:string ->
?preparser:preparser ->
?ni_plugin:('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
non_interactive_simple_plugin ->
('res, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
interactive_simple_plugin -> unit
type ('content, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) wiki_plugin =
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
'content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t option ->
('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
val register_wiki_extension :
wp:('res, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
ext_wikicreole_parser ->
name:string ->
wp_rec:('a, 'b, 'c) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
?preparser:preparser ->
?context:(Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs -> Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info) ->
?ni_plugin:('b, 'flow_without_interactive,
wiki_plugin ->
('a, 'res, 'phrasing_without_interactive) wiki_plugin ->
type ('content, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive) link_plugin =
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
'content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t option ->
('flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
val register_link_extension :
wp:('res, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
ext_wikicreole_parser ->
name:string ->
wp_rec:('a, 'b, 'c) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
?preparser:(Wiki_types.wikibox ->
Wikicreole.attribs -> string option -> string option Lwt.t) ->
?context:(Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs -> Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info) ->
('b, 'flow_without_interactive, 'phrasing_without_interactive)
link_plugin -> unit
val register_raw_wiki_extension :
wp:('a, 'b, 'c) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
name:string ->
wp_rec:('d, 'e, 'f) ext_wikicreole_parser ->
?preparser:preparser ->
?ni_plugin:('e wikicreole_parser ->
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
string option -> ('b, 'c) ni_plugin_content) ->
('d wikicreole_parser ->
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
string option -> ('a, 'b, 'c) plugin_content) ->
val register_simple_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
([< Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive_header_footer ],
[< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ])
non_interactive_simple_plugin -> unit
val register_interactive_simple_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
([< Html5_types.flow5_without_header_footer ],
[< Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive_header_footer ],
[< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ])
interactive_simple_plugin -> unit
type 'without_interactive link_simple_plugin =
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t)
val register_link_simple_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
[< Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive_header_footer ]
link_simple_plugin -> unit
type wiki_flow_pplugin = { fpp:
(([< Html5_types.flow5
> `Abbr `Address `Article `Aside `Audio `B `Bdo `Blockquote
`Br `Button `Canvas `Cite `Code `Command `Datalist `Del
`Dfn `Div `Dl `Em `Fieldset `Figure `Form `H1 `H2 `H3 `H4
`H5 `H6 `Hgroup `Hr `I `Img `Input `Ins `Kbd `Keygen `Label
`Map `Mark `Menu `Meter `Nav `Noscript `Object `Ol `Output
`P `PCDATA `Pre `Progress `Q `Ruby `Samp `Script `Section
`Select `Small `Span `Strong `Style `Sub `Sup `Svg `Table
`Textarea `Time `U `Ul `Var `Video `Wbr ]
as 'a)
'a, Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive)
val register_wiki_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
wiki_flow_pplugin -> unit
type interactive_wiki_flow_pplugin = { ifpp:
'a 'b.
(([< `A of [< Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive ] as 'b
| `Abbr
| `Address
| `Article
| `Aside
| `Audio of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Audio_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `B
| `Bdo
| `Blockquote
| `Br
| `Button
| `Canvas of 'a
| `Cite
| `Code
| `Command
| `Datalist
| `Del of 'a
| `Details
| `Dfn
| `Div
| `Dl
| `Em
| `Embed
| `Fieldset
| `Figure
| `Footer
| `Form
| `H1
| `H2
| `H3
| `H4
| `H5
| `H6
| `Header
| `Hgroup
| `Hr
| `I
| `Iframe
| `Img
| `Img_interactive
| `Input
| `Ins of 'a
| `Kbd
| `Keygen
| `Label
| `Map of 'a
| `Mark
| `Menu
| `Meter
| `Nav
| `Noscript of Html5_types.flow5_without_noscript
| `Object of 'a
| `Object_interactive of 'a
| `Ol
| `Output
| `P
| `Pre
| `Progress
| `Q
| `Ruby
| `Samp
| `Script
| `Section
| `Select
| `Small
| `Span
| `Strong
| `Style
| `Sub
| `Sup
| `Svg
| `Table
| `Textarea
| `Time
| `U
| `Ul
| `Var
| `Video of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Video_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Wbr
> `A `Abbr `Address `Article `Aside `Audio `Audio_interactive
`B `Bdo `Blockquote `Br `Button `Canvas `Cite `Code
`Command `Datalist `Del `Details `Dfn `Div `Dl `Em `Embed
`Fieldset `Figure `Form `H1 `H2 `H3 `H4 `H5 `H6 `Hgroup `Hr
`I `Iframe `Img `Img_interactive `Input `Ins `Kbd `Keygen
`Label `Map `Mark `Menu `Meter `Nav `Noscript `Object
`Object_interactive `Ol `Output `P `PCDATA `Pre `Progress
`Q `Ruby `Samp `Script `Section `Select `Small `Span
`Strong `Style `Sub `Sup `Svg `Table `Textarea `Time `U `Ul
`Var `Video `Video_interactive `Wbr ]
as 'a, 'b)
Html5_types.between_flow5_and_flow5_without_header_footer, 'a,
val register_interactive_wiki_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
interactive_wiki_flow_pplugin -> unit
type link_wiki_flow_pplugin = { lfpp:
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
([> Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive_header_footer ] as 'a)
Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t option ->
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
'a Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t;}
val register_link_flow_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
link_wiki_flow_pplugin -> unit
val register_simple_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
([< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ],
[< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ])
non_interactive_simple_plugin -> unit
val register_interactive_simple_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
(Html5_types.phrasing, Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive,
interactive_simple_plugin -> unit
val register_link_simple_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
[< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ]
link_simple_plugin -> unit
type wiki_phrasing_pplugin = { ppp:
'a 'b.
(([< `A of [< Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive ] as 'b
| `Abbr
| `Audio of Html5_types.phrasing_without_media
| `Audio_interactive of Html5_types.phrasing_without_media
| `B
| `Bdo
| `Br
| `Button
| `Canvas of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Cite
| `Code
| `Command
| `Datalist
| `Del of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Dfn
| `Em
| `Embed
| `I
| `Iframe
| `Img
| `Img_interactive
| `Input
| `Ins of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Kbd
| `Keygen
| `Label
| `Map of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Mark
| `Meter
| `Noscript of Html5_types.phrasing_without_noscript
| `Object of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Object_interactive of Html5_types.phrasing
| `Output
| `Progress
| `Q
| `Ruby
| `Samp
| `Script
| `Select
| `Small
| `Span
| `Strong
| `Sub
| `Sup
| `Svg
| `Textarea
| `Time
| `U
| `Var
| `Video of Html5_types.phrasing_without_media
| `Video_interactive of Html5_types.phrasing_without_media
| `Wbr
> `Abbr `B `Bdo `Br `Canvas `Cite `Code `Command `Datalist
`Del `Dfn `Em `I `Img `Ins `Kbd `Map `Mark `Meter `Noscript
`Object `PCDATA `Progress `Q `Ruby `Samp `Script `Small
`Span `Strong `Sub `Sup `Svg `Time `U `Var `Wbr ]
as 'a, 'b)
'a, Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive)
val register_wiki_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
wiki_phrasing_pplugin -> unit
val register_interactive_wiki_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
wiki_phrasing_pplugin -> unit
type link_wiki_phrasing_pplugin =
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt
list Lwt.t option ->
href * Wikicreole.attribs *
Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt
list Lwt.t
val register_link_phrasing_extension :
name:string ->
?reduced:bool ->
?preparser:preparser ->
link_wiki_phrasing_pplugin -> unit
The default syntax parser. It parses wiki creole syntax, as well as div, span, wikiname, raw, content, menu and cond tags. Default (and full) wiki parser.
val wikicreole_parser :
(Html5_types.flow5, Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive,
val wikicreole_parser_without_header_footer :
The same parser as wikicreole_parser but with a more precise type.
val reduced_wikicreole_parser0 :
(Html5_types.flow5, Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive,
The same, without subwikiboxes and containers (content). Used for example for forum messages.
val reduced_wikicreole_parser1 :
(Html5_types.flow5, Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive,
The same, without images, objects, subwikiboxes and containers (content). Used for example for forum messages with restricted features.
val reduced_wikicreole_parser2 :
(Html5_types.flow5, Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive,
The same, without images, objects, titles, tables, lists, subwikiboxes and containers (content).
val reduced_wikicreole_parser_button_content :
(Html5_types.button_content, Html5_types.button_content,
For button content.
val phrasing_wikicreole_parser :
(Html5_types.phrasing, Html5_types.phrasing_without_interactive,
Parser for phrasing wikicreole.
val menu_parser :
([ `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 ],
[ `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 ],
Parser for menu
val wikicreole_content_type :
Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for wikicreole boxes:
val reduced_wikicreole_content_type0 :
Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for reduced_wikicreole_parser0:
val reduced_wikicreole_content_type1 :
Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for reduced_wikicreole_parser1:
val reduced_wikicreole_content_type2 :
Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for reduced_wikicreole_parser2:
val rawtext_content_type :
Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for raw text boxes:
val wikicreole_phrasing_content_type :
Html5_types.phrasing Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list
the content type for wikicreole phrasing content. It is using phrasing_wikicreole_parser.
val preprocess_extension :
'res wikicreole_parser -> Wiki_models.wiki_preprocessor
Functions displaying wikicreole code
val xml_of_wiki :
'res wikicreole_parser ->
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
string -> 'res Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
Returns the HTML5 corresponding to a wiki page
val string_of_extension :
string -> (string * string) list -> string option -> string
Returns the wiki syntax for an extension box from its name, arguments and content.
val parse_common_attribs :
?classes:Html5_types.nmtokens ->
Wikicreole.attribs ->
[> Html5_types.common ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.attrib list
parses common attributes (class, id, style)
type force_https = bool option
type link_kind = | Wiki_page of option * string * force_https | Href of string * force_https | Site of string * force_https | Absolute of string
Type of wiki link:
- Wiki_page (None, path, _) means the page of the currently display wiki at the given path.
- Wiki_page (Some wiki, path, _) means a page in the providede wiki at the given path.
- Href path means a link relative to the the domain if starting with a '/' or relative to the current URL otherwise.
- Site path means a link relative the Ocsigen application site.
- Absolute means an absolute URL (<otherscheme>:href).
val link_kind : string -> link_kind
val make_href :
Wiki_widgets_interface.box_info ->
link_kind -> string option -> href
val class_wikibox : Wiki_types.wikibox -> string
The class to use to denote the fact that the content comes from the specified wikibox