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Module Wiki_sql

module Wiki_sql : sig..end

Author(s): Boris Yakobowski, Vincent Balat

exception Unknown_Css of Wiki_types.wikibox

Exception raised when a CSS does not exists

val wikis : 
  (< boxrights : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.bool_t >
   container : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.int32_t >
   deleted : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.bool_t >
   descr : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   id : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   model : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   pages : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t;
   siteid : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t;
   staticdir : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   title : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   Sql.t >,
   < deleted : < nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.bool_t > Sql.t;
   descr : < nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t;
   id : < nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   model : < nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t;
   title : < nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t >
val new_wiki : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  title:string ->
  descr:string ->
  pages:string option ->
  boxrights:bool ->
  staticdir:string option ->
  ?container_text:string ->
  author:User_sql.Types.userid ->
  model:Wiki_types.wiki_model ->
  unit -> (Wiki_types.wiki * Wiki_types.wikibox option) Lwt.t

inserts a new wiki, creating on the fly the container wikibox (which is returned along the index of the new wiki). The author argument is used when creating the wikibox for the container.

val delete_wiki : ?delete:bool -> Wiki_types.wiki -> unit Lwt.t

Delete or undelete the wiki. Does not delete anything in the database

val new_wikibox : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  author:User_sql.Types.userid ->
  comment:string ->
  content:string ->
  content_type:'a Wiki_types.content_type ->
  unit -> Wiki_types.wikibox Lwt.t

Inserts a new wikibox in an existing wiki and return the id of the wikibox.

val get_wikibox_history : 
  wb:Wiki_types.wikibox ->
  < author : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t >
   comment : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   datetime : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable;
   t : Sql.timestamp_t >
   version : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t >
   Sql.t >
  list Lwt.t

return the history of a wikibox.

val get_wikiboxes_by_wiki : 
  Wiki_types.wiki -> Wiki_types.wikibox list Lwt.t


val create_wikipage : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string -> wb:Wiki_types.wikibox -> unit Lwt.t

Links the wikibox wb to the page page of wiki wiki. Fails if there already exists a wikibox linked to this wikipage

val get_wikipage_info : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki -> page:string -> Wiki_types.wikipage_info Lwt.t

return the information for a wikipage

val set_wikipage_properties : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string ->
  ?title:string ->
  ?newpage:string -> ?wb:Wiki_types.wikibox option -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Sets the info for a wikipage. All parameters not passed are left unchanged. If title is Some "", it will be set to NULL (just as if it is None). If wb is None, the page is deleted.

val get_css_for_wikipage : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string -> (Wiki_types.css_wikibox * (string * int32)) list Lwt.t

returns the lists of css associated to a wikipage or a wiki, together with the content of the wikibox and the version (as last arguments)

val get_css_for_wiki : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  (Wiki_types.css_wikibox * (string * int32)) list Lwt.t
val add_css_aux : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string option ->
  author:User_sql.Types.userid ->
  media:Wiki_types.media_type ->
  ?wbcss:Wiki_types.wikibox -> unit -> Wiki_types.wikibox Lwt.t

Add a new CSS to a wikipage or a wiki. If wbcss is supplied, a link to the (supposed existing) CSS is created, and author and content are ignored. Otherwise, a new wikibox is created. In both cases, the wikibox containing the CSS is returned.

val remove_css_wiki : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki -> Wiki_types.wikibox -> unit Lwt.t
val remove_css_wikipage : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string -> Wiki_types.wikibox -> unit Lwt.t
val get_css_wikibox_for_wikipage : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string -> Wiki_types.css_wikibox list Lwt.t

returns the wikibox for the css of a page or None if the page has no css

val get_css_wikibox_for_wiki : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki -> Wiki_types.css_wikibox list Lwt.t

returns the wikibox for the global css of a wiki, or None if the wiki has no such css

val update_css_wikibox_aux : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  page:string option ->
  oldwb:Wiki_types.wikibox ->
  newwb:Wiki_types.wikibox ->
  media:Wiki_types.media_type -> rank:int32 -> unit -> unit Lwt.t
val get_wiki_info_by_id : id:Wiki_types.wiki -> Wiki_types.wiki_info Lwt.t

Find wiki information for a wiki, given its id

val get_wiki_info_by_name : name:string -> Wiki_types.wiki_info Lwt.t

Find wiki information for a wiki, given its name

val get_wiki_info_by_pages : pages:string -> Wiki_types.wiki_info Lwt.t

Find wiki information for a wiki, given its pages

val get_wikibox_content : 
  ?version:int32 ->
  Wiki_types.wikibox ->
  (string * User_sql.Types.userid * string option *
   CalendarLib.Calendar.t * 'a Wiki_types.content_type * int32)
  option Lwt.t

looks for a wikibox and returns Some (comment, author, content, datetime, content_type, version), or None if the page doesn't exist.

val get_wikis : unit -> Wiki_types.wiki list Lwt.t
val set_wikibox_special_rights : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t -> wb:Wiki_types.wikibox -> bool -> unit Lwt.t

Does the wikibox have special permission rights

val wikibox_wiki : Wiki_types.wikibox -> Wiki_types.wiki Lwt.t

Wiki in which the wikibox currently resides

val current_wikibox_version : Wiki_types.wikibox -> Int32.t option Lwt.t

Current revision number of a wikibox

val update_wikibox : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  old_version:int32 ->
  author:User_sql.Types.userid ->
  comment:string ->
  content:string option ->
  content_type:'a Wiki_types.content_type ->
  ?ip:string -> Wiki_types.wikibox -> int32 Lwt.t

Inserts a new version of an existing wikibox in a wiki and return its version number.

val update_wiki : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  ?container:Wiki_types.wikibox option ->
  ?staticdir:string option ->
  ?path:string option ->
  ?descr:string ->
  ?boxrights:bool ->
  ?model:Wiki_types.wiki_model ->
  ?siteid:string option -> Wiki_types.wiki -> unit Lwt.t

Update the information of a wiki. All arguments not passed are left unchanged

val iter_wikis : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  ?deleted:bool -> (Wiki_types.wiki_info -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t

Iterator on all the wikis

val get_wikibox_info : Wiki_types.wikibox -> Wiki_types.wikibox_info Lwt.t
val update_wikiboxes : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  (wikibox:Wiki_types.wikibox ->
   version:int32 ->
   content:string option ->
   content_type:'a Wiki_types.content_type -> string option Lwt.t) ->
  unit Lwt.t

This function updates the content of all the wikiboxes stored in the database (including the old versions) according to the function passed as argument, which must return the updated content, or None

val rewrite_wikipages : 
  ?db:Ocsi_sql.db_t ->
  oldwiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  newwiki:Wiki_types.wiki -> path:string -> unit Lwt.t
val get_wikipages_of_a_wiki : 
  wiki:Wiki_types.wiki ->
  unit ->
  < pagename : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.string_t >
   title : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t;
   uid : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   wiki : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   wikibox : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t >
   Sql.t >
  list Lwt.t
val get_wikis_id : 
  unit ->
  < id : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   title : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t >
  list Lwt.t
val get_wikiboxes_id : 
  unit ->
  < id : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   title : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t >
  list Lwt.t
val get_wikipages_id : 
  unit ->
  < id : < get : unit; nul : Sql.non_nullable; t : Sql.int32_t > Sql.t;
   title : < get : unit; nul : Sql.nullable; t : Sql.string_t > Sql.t >
  list Lwt.t