Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

  method display_group :
    User_sql.Types.user -> Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_group_creation :
    ?err:string -> unit -> Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_group_creation_done :
    unit -> string * string -> Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_groups : Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_login_widget :
    ?user_prompt:string ->
    ?pwd_prompt:string ->
    ?auth_error:string ->
    ?switchtohttps:string ->
    ?show_ext:bool ->
    unit -> Html5_types.div Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
  method private display_logout_box :
    User_sql.Types.userdata ->
    Html5_types.form_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
  method display_logout_button :
    Html5_types.button_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list ->
    [> Html5_types.form ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt Lwt.t
  method display_roles : Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_users : Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_users_settings : Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method display_users_settings_done :
    unit ->
    bool * (string * (string * (string * (string * bool)))) ->
    Eliom_registration.Flow5.page Lwt.t
  method form_edit_awr :
    text_prefix:string ->
    grps:'a User_sql.Types.admin_writer_reader ->
    arg:'a Opaque.int32_t ->
    ?defaults:string * string * string ->
    unit ->
    (Html5_types.tbody_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt *
     Html5_types.tbody_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list)
  method form_edit_group :
    ?is_user:bool ->
    group:User_sql.Types.user ->
    text:Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list ->
    unit -> Html5_types.tbody_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt Lwt.t
  method form_edit_user :
    user:User_sql.Types.user ->
    text:Html5_types.flow5 Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list ->
    unit -> Html5_types.tbody_content Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt Lwt.t
  method login_box_extension :
    Html5_types.div_content_fun Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
  method logout_uri : Wiki_syntax.href
  method status_text : Html5_types.div Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t
  method user_link :
    string ->
    [ `A of Html5_types.a_content | `Form ] Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt