Using Ocsigen Server as a library
Creating and running a statically linked executable
Instead of using a configuration file, you can use Ocsigen Server as a library for your OCaml program.
Call function Ocsigen_server.start like this to run the server:
let _ =
[ [ ~dir:"local/var/www/mysite/" ()]]
Have a look at the API documentation for Ocsigen_server.start to see how to provide configuration options.
As with the configuration file, you can define several virtual hosts, for example for different hostnames. See function to configure them.
Functions like are defined by extensions.
The programming interface follows exactly the structure of the configuration file: Each request received by the server goes through all the instructions given in the list. These instructions can be:
- either input filters that will modify the request (for example Rewritemod)
- or page generation instructions (for example with Staticmod, Eliom or Redirectmod)
- or output filters, that will modify the result (for example Deflatemod or CORS).
Here is an example of a more complex configuration:
let _ =
~ports:[`All, 8080]
~default_charset:(Some "utf-8")
[ ["subsite"]
[ Accesscontrol.(
[ ip ""
; header ~name:"user-agent" ~regexp:".*FooBar.*"
; method_ `POST ])
[forbidden] [])
; ~realm:"myrealm"
~auth:(fun _u p -> Lwt.return (p = "toto"))
; ~dir:"local/var/www/otherdir" () ]
; ["othersubsite"]
(Revproxy.create_redirection ~full_url:false ~regexp:"(.*)"
~keephost:true "http://localhost:8888/\\1")
() ]
(Redirectmod.create_redirection ~full_url:false ~regexp:"old(.*)"
; ~dir:"local/var/www/staticdir" ()
; ~max_age:86400 ~credentials:true ~methods:[`POST; `GET; `HEAD]
[ "x-eliom-application"
; "x-eliom-location"
; "x-eliom-set-process-cookies"
; "x-eliom-set-cookie-substitutes" ]
[ `Type (Some "text", Some "html")
; `Type (Some "text", Some "javascript")
; `Type (Some "text", Some "css")
; `Type (Some "application", Some "javascript")
; `Type (Some "application", Some "x-javascript")
; `Type (Some "application", Some "xhtml+xml")
; `Type (Some "image", Some "svg+xml")
; `Type (Some "application", Some "x-eliom") ])
() ] ]
In this example, the server defines one virtual host for domain
It will first check whether it is a request for directory subsite/, and if yes, will reject the request
with 403 Forbidden if it is a POST request coming from user-agent FooBar at IP
If not, it will ask for a password before serving files from directory local/var/www/otherdir.
Then we define another subsite othersubsite for which the requests will be transfered to another Web server
running locally on port 8888, then rewrite the answer location header accordingly.
Then, if the page is still not generated, the server will send a redirection if URLs starts with “old”.
Otherwise, it will try to serve files from directory local/var/www/staticdir.
If the page has still not been found, a 404 Not found will be sent, otherwise, some CORS headers will
be added, and the result will be compressed before being sent.
Compile this example with the following dune file:
(executable (public_name myserver) (name main) (libraries ocsigenserver ocsigenserver.ext.staticmod ocsigenserver.ext.authbasic ocsigenserver.ext.extendconfiguration ocsigenserver.ext.outputfilter ocsigenserver.ext.cors ocsigenserver.ext.accesscontrol ocsigenserver.ext.deflatemod ocsigenserver.ext.redirectmod ocsigenserver.ext.revproxy ))
This program corresponds to the following configuration file:
<ocsigen> <server> <port>8080</port> <commandpipe>local/var/run/mysite-cmd</commandpipe> <logdir>local/var/log/mysite</logdir> <datadir>local/var/data/mysite</datadir> <charset>utf-8</charset> <debugmode/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.staticmod"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.authbasic"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.extendconfiguration"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.outputfilter"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.cors"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.accesscontrol"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.deflatemod"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.redirectmod"/> <extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.revproxy"/> <host hostfilter=""> <site dir="subsite"> <if> <and> <ip value=""/> <header name="user-agent" regexp=".*FooBar.*"/> <method value="POST"/> </and> <then> <forbidden/> </then> </if> <authbasic realm="myrealm"> <plain login="" password="toto"/> </authbasic> <static dir="local/var/www/otherdir"/> </site> <site dir="othersite"> <revproxy suburl="(.*)" keephost="true" dest="http://localhost:8888/otherdir/\\1"/> <outputfilter header="location" regexp="http://localhost:8888/(.* )" dest="\\1"/> </site> <redirect suburl="old(.*)" dest="\\1"/> <static dir="local/var/www/staticdir"/> <cors max_age="86400" credentials="true" methods="POST,GET,HEAD" exposed_headers="x-eliom-application,x-eliom-location,x-eliom-set-process-cookies,x-eliom-set-cookie-substitutes"/> <deflate compress="only"> <type>text/html</type> <type>text/javascript</type> <type>text/css</type> <type>application/javascript</type> <type>application/x-javascript</type> <type>application/xhtml+xml</type> <type>image/svg+xml</type> <type>application/x-eliom</type> </deflate> </host> </server> </ocsigen>
Experimental: Using a configuration file with a static executable
If you want to use the configuration file with a statically linked executable, call
Ocsigen_server.exec (Ocsigen_parseconfig.parse_config ())
to launch the server's main loop.
Alternatively, you can link module ocsigenserver.cmx to set the default commandline option and launch the main loop.
If you still want to use dynamic linking, add option -linkall while compiling, otherwise the compiler may remove some modules from packages cma/cmxa.
All statically linked extensions need to be initialized from the configuration file. To do that, replace the lines like:
<extension module="staticmod.cmxs" />
<extension findlib-package="ocsigenserver.ext.staticmod" />
<extension name="staticmod" />
This will not load a new module, but merely initializes one which must have been linked statically. Thus it is possible to give configuration options to extensions as usual.
This is an experimental feature. Let us know if you test it (for example by opening an issue on Github).