module type Builder = sig..end
include Wikicreole.RawBuilder
type plugin_content =
[ `Flow5 of flow
| `Flow5_link of href * Wikicreole.attribs * flow_without_interactive
| `Phrasing_link of
href * Wikicreole.attribs * phrasing_without_interactive
| `Phrasing_without_interactive of phrasing_without_interactive ]
val plugin :
string ->
Wikicreole.plugin_resolver option *
(param, plugin_content) Wikicreole.plugin
val plugin_action : string -> int -> int -> (param, unit) Wikicreole.plugin
val link_action :
string ->
string option -> Wikicreole.attribs -> int * int -> param -> unit
val href_action :
string ->
string option -> Wikicreole.attribs -> int * int -> param -> unit