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Module Wiki_types

module Wiki_types : sig..end

Author(s): Boris Yakobowski, Vincent Balat

type wiki_arg = [ `Wiki ]

Semi-abstract type for a wiki

module Json_wiki_arg : Deriving_Json.Json
type wiki = wiki_arg Opaque.int32_t
module Json_wiki : Deriving_Json.Json
val string_of_wiki : wiki -> string

Conversions from a wiki index

val wiki_of_string : string -> wiki
val sql_of_wiki : wiki -> int32
val wiki_of_sql : int32 -> wiki
type wikibox_arg = [ `Wikibox ]
module Json_wikibox_arg : Deriving_Json.Json
type wikibox = wikibox_arg Opaque.int32_t
module Json_wikibox : Deriving_Json.Json
val sql_of_wikibox : wikibox -> int32
val wikibox_of_sql : int32 -> wikibox
val string_of_wikibox : wikibox -> string
type wikipage = wiki * string
module Json_wikipage : Deriving_Json.Json
type wikipage_arg = [ `Wikipage ]
module Json_wikipage_arg : Deriving_Json.Json
type wikipage_uid = wikipage_arg Opaque.int32_t
module Json_wikipage_uid : Deriving_Json.Json
type wiki_model
type +'a content_type

The parameter is the type of the content, once translated to xhtml (usually flows or inlines)

val string_of_wiki_model : wiki_model -> string
val wiki_model_of_string : string -> wiki_model
val string_of_content_type : 'a content_type -> string
val content_type_of_string : string -> 'a content_type
type wiki_info = {
  wiki_id: wiki;  wiki_title: string;  wiki_descr: string;  wiki_pages: string option;  wiki_boxrights: bool;  wiki_container: wikibox option;  wiki_staticdir: string option;(* <<div class="odocwiki_info"|if static dir is given~,
                                ocsimore will serve static pages if present~,
                                instead of wiki pages
>> *)  wiki_model: wiki_model;  wiki_siteid: string option;  wiki_deleted: bool;}

Fields for a wiki

type wikipage_info = {
  wikipage_wiki: wiki;  wikipage_wikibox: wikibox;  wikipage_page: string;  wikipage_title: string option;  wikipage_uid: wikipage_uid;}
type wikibox_info = {
  wikibox_wiki: wiki;  wikibox_comment: string option;  wikibox_special_rights: bool;  wikibox_id: wikibox;}
type media_type_elem = 
  [ `All
  | `Aural
  | `Braille
  | `Embossed
  | `Handheld
  | `Print
  | `Projection
  | `Screen
  | `Speech
  | `TTY
  | `TV ]
type media_type = media_type_elem list
val media_type_elem_of_string : string -> media_type_elem option
val string_of_media_type_elem : media_type_elem -> string
val media_type_of_string : string -> media_type
val string_of_media_type : media_type -> string
type css_wikibox = {
  wikibox: wikibox;  media: media_type;  rank: int32;}
type 'a rights_aux = 'a -> bool Lwt.t
class type wiki_rights = object..end
type 'a wikibox_content = 'a content_type * string option * int32

Content of a wikibox. The second field is the actual content. It is None if the wikibox has been deleted. The third field is the version id