Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Class type Wiki_widgets_interface.frozen_wikibox

class type frozen_wikibox = object..end

A widget displaying wikiboxes with which the user cannot interact Inherits

val frozen_wb_class : string

Css class for noneditable wikiboxes

method display_frozen_wikibox : 
bi:box_info ->
?classes:string list ->
Wiki_types.wikibox ->
([> `A of Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive
| `Abbr
| `Address
| `Article
| `Aside
| `Audio of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Audio_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `B
| `Bdo
| `Blockquote
| `Br
| `Button
| `Canvas of Html5_types.flow5
| `Cite
| `Code
| `Command
| `Datalist
| `Del of Html5_types.flow5
| `Details
| `Dfn
| `Div
| `Dl
| `Em
| `Embed
| `Fieldset
| `Figure
| `Footer
| `Form
| `H1
| `H2
| `H3
| `H4
| `H5
| `H6
| `Header
| `Hgroup
| `Hr
| `I
| `Iframe
| `Img
| `Img_interactive
| `Input
| `Ins of Html5_types.flow5
| `Kbd
| `Keygen
| `Label
| `Map of Html5_types.flow5
| `Mark
| `Menu
| `Meter
| `Nav
| `Noscript of Html5_types.flow5_without_noscript
| `Object of Html5_types.flow5
| `Object_interactive of Html5_types.flow5
| `Ol
| `Output
| `P
| `Pre
| `Progress
| `Q
| `Ruby
| `Samp
| `Script
| `Section
| `Select
| `Small
| `Span
| `Strong
| `Style
| `Sub
| `Sup
| `Svg
| `Table
| `Textarea
| `Time
| `U
| `Ul
| `Var
| `Video of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Video_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media
| `Wbr ]
as 'a)
Eliom_content.Html5.F.elt list Lwt.t