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Module Os_handlers

module Os_handlers : sig..end

This module contains pre-defined handlers for connect, disconnect, sign up, add a new email, etc. Each handler has a corresponding service in Os_services.

val connect_handler : unit -> (string * string) * bool -> unit Lwt.t

connect_handler () ((login, password), keepMeLoggedIn) connects the user with login and password and keeps the user logged in between different session if keepMeLoggedIn is set to true.

val disconnect_handler : ?main_page:bool -> unit -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

disconnect_handler ?main_page () () disconnects the current user.

val sign_up_handler : unit -> string -> unit Lwt.t

sign_up_handler () email signes up an user with email email.

val add_email_handler : unit -> string -> unit Lwt.t

add_email_handler () email adds a new e-mail address for the current user and sends an activation link. Eliom reference Os_user.user_already_exists is set to true if the e-mail address already exists in database.

Exception raised when something went wrong with an action link key. The action link key is given as parameter as a type Os_types.actionlinkkey_info.

exception Account_already_activated_unconnected of 

Exception raised when an account has been already activated and no user is connected.

exception Invalid_action_key of Os_types.Action_link_key.info

Exception raised when the key is oudated.

exception No_such_resource

Exception raised when the requested resource is not available.

action_link_handler userid_o activation_key () is the handler for activation keys.

Depending on the error, Os_handlers.No_such_resource, Os_handlers.Custom_action_link, Os_handlers.Invalid_action_key or Os_handlers.Account_already_activated_unconnected can be raised.

val confirm_code_signup_handler : 
  unit -> string * (string * (string * string)) -> unit Lwt.t

confirm_code_signup_handler () (first_name, (last_name, (pass, number))) sends a verification code to number, displays a popup for confirming the code, and creates the account if all goes well.

val confirm_code_extra_handler : unit -> string -> unit Lwt.t

confirm_code_extra_handler () number is like confirm_code_signup_handler but for adding an additional number to the account. The new phone is added to the account.

val confirm_code_recovery_handler : unit -> string -> unit Lwt.t

confirm_code_recovery_handler () number is like confirm_code_signup_handler but for recovering a lost password. The user is redirected to the settings page for setting a new password.

val set_password_rpc : string * string -> unit Lwt.t

set_password_rpc (password, confirmation_password) is a RPC to set_password.

val restart : ?url:string -> unit -> unit

restart ?url () restarts the client and redirects to the url url.