Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Index of values

__link [Os_comet]

action_link_handler [Os_handlers]

action_link_handler userid_o activation_key () is the handler for activation keys.

action_link_service [Os_services]

A GET service for action link keys.

add_email_handler [Os_handlers]

add_email_handler () email adds a new e-mail address for the current user and sends an activation link.

add_email_service [Os_services]

A POST service to add an email to a user.

avatar [Os_user_view]

avatar user creates an image HTML tag (with Eliom_content.HTML.F) with an alt attribute to "picture" and with class "os-avatar".

avatar_of_user [Os_user]

avatar_of_user user returns the avatar of the user user as Some avatar_uri.

avatar_uri_of_avatar [Os_user]

avatar_uri_of_avatar ?absolute_path avatar returns the URI (absolute or relative) depending on the value of absolute_path) of the avatar avatar.

avatar_uri_of_user [Os_user]

avatar_uri_of_user user returns the avatar URI (absolute or relative) depending on the value of absolute_path) of the avatar of the user user.

block [Os_tips]

Return a box containing a tip, to be inserted where you want in a page.

bubble [Os_tips]

Display tips in pages, as a speech bubble.

check_password_confirmation [Os_user_view]

check_password_confirmation ~password ~confirmation adds a listener to the element confirmation which checks if the value of password and confirmation match.

close [Os_icons.ICSIG]
confirm_code_extra [Os_connect_phone]

Confirm validation code and add extra phone to account of the currently connected user

confirm_code_extra_handler [Os_handlers]

confirm_code_extra_handler () number is like confirm_code_signup_handler but for adding an additional number to the account.

confirm_code_extra_service [Os_services]

Confirm SMS activation code and (if valid) add new phone number to user's account.

confirm_code_recovery [Os_connect_phone]

Confirm validation code and recover account.

confirm_code_recovery_handler [Os_handlers]

confirm_code_recovery_handler () number is like confirm_code_signup_handler but for recovering a lost password.

confirm_code_recovery_service [Os_services]

Confirm SMS activation code and (if valid) allow the user to set a new password.

confirm_code_remind_service [Os_services]

Temporary alternate name for confirm_code_recovery_handler to facilite the transition.

confirm_code_signup [Os_connect_phone]

Confirm validation code and complete sign-up with the phone number.

confirm_code_signup_handler [Os_handlers]

confirm_code_signup_handler () (first_name, (last_name, (pass, number))) sends a verification code to number, displays a popup for confirming the code, and creates the account if all goes well.

confirm_code_signup_service [Os_services]

Confirm SMS activation code and (if valid) register new user.

connect [Os_connect_phone]
connect_form [Os_user_view]

connect_form ?a ?email () creates a POST login form with email, password, a checkbox to stay logged in (with default text to "keep me logged in" in a span) and a submit button.

connect_handler [Os_handlers]

connect_handler () ((login, password), keepMeLoggedIn) connects the user with login and password and keeps the user logged in between different session if keepMeLoggedIn is set to true.

connect_service [Os_services]

A POST service to connect a user with username and password.

connected_fun [Os_session.Opt]

Same as Os_session.Opt.connected_fun but instead of failing in case the user is not connected, the function given as parameter takes an Os_types.User.id option for user id.

connected_fun [Os_session]

Wrapper for service handlers that fetches automatically connection information.

connected_page [Os_page.Make.Opt]

Wrapper for pages that first checks if the user is connected.

connected_page [Os_page.Make]

Wrapper for pages that first checks if the user is connected.

connected_rpc [Os_session.Opt]

Same as Os_session.Opt.connected_rpc but instead of failing in case the user is not connected, the function given as parameter takes an Os_types.User.id option for user id.

connected_rpc [Os_session]

Wrapper for server functions (see Os_session.connected_fun).

connected_user_box [Os_user_view]

An userbox (in a div with the CSS class "connected-user-box") for connected users with an icon and the username.

connected_wrapper [Os_session]

Wrapper for server functions when you do not need userid (see Os_session.connected_fun).

connection_box [Os_user_view]

A box (in a div with the CSS class "os-connection-box") with a sign in and a sign out button.

content [Os_page]

Specifies a page with an optional title (with the argument ?title), some optional extra metadata (with the argument ?head) and a given body.

css [Os_page.PAGE]

css (same as js but for style sheet files).

css_class [Os_platform]

Return "os-platform" where platform is the device platform.

default_connected_error_page [Os_page.PAGE]

default_connected_error_page userid_o get_param post_param exn is the default error page for connected pages.

default_connected_predicate [Os_page.PAGE]

default_connected_predicate userid_o get_param post_param is the default predicate for connected pages.

default_error_page [Os_page.PAGE]

default_error_page get_param post_param exn is the default error page.

default_predicate [Os_page.PAGE]

default_predicate get_param post_param is the default predicate.

disable_auto_init [Os_date]

Disable auto-initialization

disconnect [Os_session]

Close a session by discarding server side states for current browser (session and session group), current client process (tab) and current request.

disconnect_all [Os_session]

Close all sessions of current user.

disconnect_all_link [Os_user_view]

Link to disconnect all user sessions.

disconnect_button [Os_user_view]

disconnect_button ?a () creates a disconnect POST form with a button without value, a signout icon and a text message "logout".

disconnect_handler [Os_handlers]

disconnect_handler ?main_page () () disconnects the current user.

disconnect_link [Os_user_view]
disconnect_service [Os_services]

A POST service to disconnect the current user.

email_regexp [Os_lib]

firstname_of_user [Os_user]

firstname_of_user user returns the first name of the user user

forgot_password_form [Os_user_view]

forgot_password_form ~a () creates a Os_user_view.generic_email_form with the service Os_services.forgot_password_service.

forgot_password_service [Os_services]

A POST service when the user forgot his password.

fullname_of_user [Os_user]

Retrieve the full name of user (which is the concatenation of the first name and last name).

generic_email_form [Os_user_view]

generic_email_form ?a ?label ?text ?email ~service () creates an email POST form with an input of type email and a submit button.

get [Os_platform]

Return the platform as a type Os_platform.t.

get_current_user [Os_current_user.Opt]

get_current_user () returns the current user as a Os_types.User.t option type.

get_current_user [Os_current_user]

get_current_user () returns the current user as a Os_types.User.t type.

get_current_userid [Os_current_user.Opt]

get_current_userid () returns the ID of the current user as an option.

get_current_userid [Os_current_user]

get_current_userid () returns the ID of the current user.

get_data [Os_user_proxy]

get_data userid returns the user which has ID userid.

get_data_from_cache [Os_user_proxy]

get_data_from_cache userid returns the user with ID userid saved in cache.

home_button [Os_user_view]

home_button ~a () creates an input button with value "home" which redirects to the main service.

information_form [Os_user_view]

information_form ~a ~firstname ~lastname ~password1 ~password2 () creates a POST form to update the user information like first name, last name and password.

is_complete [Os_user]

is_complete user returns true if the first name and the last name of Os_types.user have been completed yet.

js [Os_page.PAGE]

js corresponds to the JavaScript files to include into each page.

language_of_user [Os_user]

language_of_user user returns the language of the user user

lastname_of_user [Os_user]

lastname_of_user user returns the last name of the user user

local_css [Os_page.PAGE]

Use local_css instead of css for local stylesheets if you are building a mobile application.

local_from_calendar [Os_date]

Convert a CalendarLib.Calendar.t value to a local_calendar value.

local_js [Os_page.PAGE]

Use local_js instead of js for local scripts if you are building a mobile application.

local_to_calendar [Os_date]

Convert a local_calendar value to a CalendarLib.Calendar.t value.

lwt_bind_input_enter [Os_lib]

lwt_bound_input_enter inp f calls f whenever the user submits the contents of inp.

lwt_bound_input_enter [Os_lib]

lwt_bound_input_enter f produces an input element bound to f, i.e., when the user submits the input, we call f.

main_service [Os_services]

The main service.

make_page [Os_page.Make]

Builds a valid html page from body content by adding headers for this app

me [Os_current_user]
memoizator [Os_lib]

memoizator f () caches the returned value of f ()

msg [Os_msg]

Call this function either from client or server side to display an error message in the page.

now [Os_date]

now () returns the current date as a local_calendar value.

of_almost [Os_lib.Email_or_phone]
of_string [Os_lib.Email_or_phone.Almost]
of_string [Os_lib.Email_or_phone]
other_head [Os_page.PAGE]

other_head is a list of custom elements to add in the head section.

page [Os_page.Make]

Default wrapper for service handler generating pages.

password_form [Os_user_view]

password_form ~a ~service () defines a POST form with two inputs for a password form (password and password confirmation) and a send button.

phone_regexp [Os_lib]
preregister_form [Os_user_view]

preregister_form ~a label creates a Os_user_view.generic_email_form with the service Os_services.preregister_service and add the label label to the email input form.

preregister_service [Os_services]

A POST service to preregister a user.

register_settings_service [Os_services]

Register the settings service (defined in the app rather than in the OS lib) because we need to perform redirections to it.

reload [Os_lib]

reload () reloads the current page.

remove_email_from_user [Os_current_user]

remove_email_from_user email removes the email email of the current user.

request_code [Os_connect_phone]

Send a validation code for a new e-mail address (corresponds to confirm_code_signup and confirm_code_extra).

request_recovery_code [Os_connect_phone]

Send a validation code for recovering an existing address.

reset_tips [Os_tips]

Call this function to reset tips for current user.

reset_tips_link [Os_user_view]

Link to start to see the help from the beginning.

reset_tips_service [Os_tips]

A non-attached service that will reset tips.

restart [Os_handlers]

restart ?url () restarts the client and redirects to the url url.

restart_process [Os_comet]

restart_process () restarts the client.

set_error_handler [Os_comet]
set_password_rpc [Os_handlers]

set_password_rpc (password, confirmation_password) is a RPC to set_password.

set_password_service [Os_services]

A POST service to update the password.

set_personal_data_service [Os_services]

A POST service to update the basic user data like first name, last name and password.

set_tip_seen [Os_tips]

Call this function to mark a tip as "already seen" by current user.

sign_up_form [Os_user_view]

sign_up_form ?a ?email () creates a Os_user_view.generic_email_form with the service Os_services.sign_up_service.

sign_up_handler [Os_handlers]

sign_up_handler () email signes up an user with email email.

sign_up_service [Os_services]

A POST service to sign up with only an email address.

signout [Os_icons.ICSIG]
smart_date [Os_date]

smart_date ~now local_date returns a smart description of local_date comparing to now (default value of now is the current time when the function is called).

smart_date_interval [Os_date]

smart_date_interval ?now start_date end_date returns a smart description of start_date comparing to end_date of the year, month and day (compared to Os_date.smart_interval, no information about the hour and minutes is given).

smart_hours_minutes [Os_date]

smart_hours_minutes date returns the time in the format "%I:%M%P".

smart_interval [Os_date]

smart_interval ?now start_date end_date returns a smart description of start_date comparing to end_date of the year, month, day, hour and minutes (compared to Os_date.smart_date_interval, information about the hour and minutes is given).

smart_time [Os_date]

smart_time ~now date returns a smart description of local_date comparing to now (default value of now is the current time when the function is called).

string_filter [Os_lib]
string_of_t [Os_platform]
string_repeat [Os_lib]

t_of_string [Os_platform]
tip_seen [Os_tips]

Returns whether a tip has been seen or not.

title [Os_page.PAGE]

title corresponds to the html tag <title>, it will be inserted on all pages.

to_local [Os_date]

Convert any type of calendar to a local calendar.

to_local_date [Os_date]

Convert a local_calendar value to a CalendarLib.Date.t value.

to_local_time [Os_date]

Convert a local_calendar value to a CalendarLib.Time.t value.

to_string [Os_lib.Email_or_phone.Almost]
to_string [Os_lib.Email_or_phone]
to_utc [Os_date]

Convert a local calendar to a UTC calendar

unknown_timezone [Os_date]

unknown_timezone () returns true if the timezone is unknown.

unset_tip_seen [Os_tips]

Counterpart of set_tip_seen.

update_language [Os_current_user]

update_language language updates the language of the current user.

update_language_service [Os_services]

A POST service to update the language of the current user.

update_main_email [Os_current_user]

update_main_email email sets the main email of the current user to email.

upload_pic_link [Os_user_view]

upload_pic_link ?a ?content ?crop ?input ?submit action_after_submit service userid

user [Os_icons.ICSIG]
user_box [Os_user_view]

Return Os_user_view.connection_box if no user is connected (i.e.

user_tz [Os_date]

user_tz () returns current user's timezone.

userid_of_user [Os_user]

userid_of_user user returns the userid of the user user.

username [Os_user_view]

username user creates a div with class "os_username" containing: firstname lastname if the user has a firstname., "User " concatenated with the userid in other cases. FIXME/IMPROVEME: use an option for the case the user has no firstname? Firstname must be empty because it must be optional.

y [Os_lib.Email_or_phone.Almost]
y [Os_lib.Email_or_phone]