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Module Os_page.Default_config

module Default_config : PAGE

A default configuration for pages.

  • no CSS and JS files are included.
  • no meta data are added in head
  • error page prints debug information about the exception.
  • a div is returned in case of an error with class "errormsg" containing a h2 with value "Error" and a paragraph if the exception is Os_session.Not_connected.

val title : string

title corresponds to the html tag <title>, it will be inserted on all pages.

val js : string list list

js corresponds to the JavaScript files to include into each page. Os will automatically preprend the suffix "js/" as directory.

val local_js : string list list

Use local_js instead of js for local scripts if you are building a mobile application. Os will automatically preprend the suffix "js/" as directory.

val css : string list list

css (same as js but for style sheet files). Os will automatically prepend the suffix "css/" as directory.

val local_css : string list list

Use local_css instead of css for local stylesheets if you are building a mobile application. Os will automatically prepend the suffix "css/" as directory.

val other_head : Html_types.head_content_fun Eliom_content.Html.elt list

other_head is a list of custom elements to add in the head section. It can be used to add <meta> elements, for example.

val default_error_page : 'a -> 'b -> exn -> Os_page.content Lwt.t

default_error_page get_param post_param exn is the default error page. get_param (resp. post_param) is the GET (resp. POST) parameters sent to the error page.

exn is the exception which must be caught when something went wrong.

val default_connected_error_page : 
  Os_types.User.id option -> 'a -> 'b -> exn -> Os_page.content Lwt.t

default_connected_error_page userid_o get_param post_param exn is the default error page for connected pages.

val default_predicate : 'a -> 'b -> bool Lwt.t

default_predicate get_param post_param is the default predicate.

val default_connected_predicate : 
  Os_types.User.id option -> 'a -> 'b -> bool Lwt.t

default_connected_predicate userid_o get_param post_param is the default predicate for connected pages.