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Module Os_db.User

module User : sig..end

This module is used for low-level user management with database.

val userid_of_email : string -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

userid_of_email email returns the userid of the user which has the email email.

val is_registered : string -> bool Lwt.t

is_registered email returns true if the email is already registered. Else, it returns false.

val is_email_validated : Os_types.User.id -> string -> bool Lwt.t

is_email_validated userid email returns true if email has been validated by the user with id userid.

val set_email_validated : Os_types.User.id -> string -> unit Lwt.t

set_email_validated userid email valids email for the user with id userid.

val add_actionlinkkey : 
  ?autoconnect:bool ->
  ?action:[< `AccountActivation | `Custom of string | `PasswordReset
   > `AccountActivation ] ->
  ?data:string ->
  ?validity:int64 ->
  ?expiry:CalendarLib.Calendar.t ->
  act_key:string ->
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit -> unit Lwt.t
val add_preregister : string -> unit Lwt.t

add_preregister email preregisters email in the database.

val remove_preregister : string -> unit Lwt.t

remove_preregister email removes email from the database.

val is_preregistered : string -> bool Lwt.t

is_preregistered email returns true if email is already registered. Else, it returns false.

val all : ?limit:int64 -> unit -> string list Lwt.t

all ?limit () get all email addresses with a limit of limit (default is 10).

val create : 
  ?password:string ->
  ?avatar:string ->
  ?language:string ->
  ?email:string ->
  firstname:string -> lastname:string -> unit -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

create ?password ?avatar ?language ~firstname ~lastname email creates a new user in the database and returns the userid of the new user. Email, first name, last name and language are mandatory to create a new user. If password is passed as an empty string, it fails with the message "empty password". TODO: change it to an exception?

val update : 
  ?password:string ->
  ?avatar:string ->
  ?language:string ->
  firstname:string -> lastname:string -> Os_types.User.id -> unit Lwt.t

update ?password ?avatar ?language ~firstname ~lastname userid updates the user profile with userid. If password is passed as an empty string, it fails with the message "empty password". TODO: change it to an exception?

val update_password : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> password:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_password ~userid ~new_password updates the password of the user with ID userid. If password is passed as an empty string, it fails with the message "empty password". TODO: change it to an exception?

val update_avatar : userid:Os_types.User.id -> avatar:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_avatar ~userid ~avatar updates the avatar of the user with ID userid.

val update_main_email : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_main_email ~userid ~email updates the main email of the user with ID userid.

val update_language : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> language:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_language ~userid ~language updates the language of the user with ID userid.

val verify_password : 
  email:string -> password:string -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

verify_password ~email ~password returns the userid if user with email email is registered with the password password. If password the password is wrong, it fails with exception Os_db.Wrong_password. If user exists but account is not validated, it fails with exception Os_db.Account_not_activated. If user has no password, it fails with exception Os_db.Password_not_set. If user is not found, it fails with exception Os_db.No_such_user. If password is empty, it fails with exception Os_db.Empty_password.

val verify_password_phone : 
  number:string -> password:string -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

verify_password_phone ~number ~password returns the userid if user who owns number and whose password is password. If password the password is wrong, it fails with exception Os_db.Wrong_password. If user has no password, it fails with exception Os_db.Password_not_set. If user is not found, it fails with exception Os_db.No_such_user. If password is empty, it fails with exception Os_db.Empty_password.

val user_of_userid : 
  Os_types.User.id ->
  (Os_types.User.id * string * string * string option * bool *
   string option)

user_of_userid userid returns a tuple (userid, firstname, lastname, avatar, bool_password, language) describing the information about the user with ID userid. bool_password is a boolean. Its value is true if a password has been set. Else false. If there is no such user, it fails with Os_db.No_such_resource.

val get_actionlinkkey_info : string -> Os_types.Action_link_key.info Lwt.t

get_actionlinkkey_info key returns the information about the action link key as a type Os_types.Action_link_key.info.

val emails_of_userid : Os_types.User.id -> string list Lwt.t

emails_of_userid userid returns all emails registered for the user with ID userid. If there is no user with userid as ID, it fails with Os_db.No_such_resource.

val emails_of_userid_with_status : 
  Os_types.User.id -> (string * bool) list Lwt.t

Like emails_of_userid, but also returns validation status. This way we perform fewer DB queries.

val email_of_userid : Os_types.User.id -> string option Lwt.t

email_of_userid userid returns the main email registered for the user with ID userid. If there is no such user, it fails with Os_db.No_such_resource.

val is_main_email : userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> bool Lwt.t

is_main_email ~email ~userid returns true if the main email of the user with ID userid is email. If there is no such user or if email is not the main email, it returns false.

val add_email_to_user : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit Lwt.t

add_email_to_user ~userid ~email add email to user with ID userid.

val remove_email_from_user : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit Lwt.t

remove_email_from_user ~userid ~email removes the email email from the emails list of user with ID userid. If email is the main email, it fails with Os_db.Main_email_removal_attempt.

val get_language : Os_types.User.id -> string option Lwt.t

get_language userid returns the language of the user with ID userid

val get_users : 
  ?pattern:string ->
  unit ->
  (Os_types.User.id * string * string * string option * bool *
   string option)
  list Lwt.t

get_users ~pattern () returns all users matching the pattern pattern as a tuple (userid, firstname, lastname, avatar, bool_password, language).