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Module Os_fcm_notif.Response

module Response : sig..end

module Results : sig..end
type t

The type representing a FCM response

val multicast_id_of_t : t -> string

multicast_id_of_t response returns the unique ID identifying the multicast message.

NOTE: In FCM documentation, it is defined as a number but the ID is sometimes too big to be considered as an OCaml integer.

val success_of_t : t -> int

success_of_t response returns the number of messages that were processed without an error.

val failure_of_t : t -> int

failure_of_t response returns the number of messages that could not be processed.

val canonical_ids_of_t : t -> int

canonical_ids_of_t response returns the number of results that contain a canonical registration token. See https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/registration#canonical-ids for more discussion of this topic.

val results_of_t : t -> Results.t list

results_of_t response returns the status of the messages processed.