Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Functor Os_notif.Make

module Make : functor (A : ARG) -> 
with type key = A.key
and type server_notif = A.server_notif
and type client_notif = A.client_notif

see Eliom_notif.Make

Parameters :


include Eliom_notif.S
val unlisten_user : 
  ?sitedata:Eliom_common.sitedata ->
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> key -> unit

Make a user stop listening on data key. This function will work as expected without a value supplied for sitedata if called during a request or initialisation. Otherwise a value needs to be supplied.

val notify : 
  ?notfor:[ `Me | `User of Os_types.User.id ] ->
  key -> server_notif -> unit